Cemeteries are categorized by County Townships. Please refer to the map to help determine what township the cemetery you are looking for is located. Those who have a picture by it is a part of the Alices Niles project. Scroll down for the township to find an expandable selection of more information regarding each seperate cemetery. If you have information or photos that can be added please contact us today!
- Ashley
- Buffalo
- Calumet
- Cuivre
- Indian
- New Hartford
- Peno
- Prairieville
- Salt River
- Spencer
There are many cemeteries within Pike County. We are working on updating our website to link to an amazing resource to help you in your searches; findagrave.com. This website has an outstanding amount of information on cemeteries and the memorials within. You can find information on each cemetery including its location (if known) and the souls buried within. Below is a link to what findagrave.com currently has recorded for Pike County cemeteries and their memorials.
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Buffalo Township
Bethany Cemetery was once associated with Bethany Baptist Church which is now gone. The plat-book for this cemetery has gone missing and the current board members are trying to locate decedents of this cemetery in hopes to find locations to missing people. They are offering a $500 cash reward for the plat-books safe return.
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Also known as New Grassy Creek Cemetery. This cemetery is located in Buffalo Township at the present day Grassy Creek Church and Cemetery.
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Gates of Peace Cemetery, Is the only one of it’s kind here in Pike County. A Jewish cemetery since 1871. A large community of Jewish citizens lived here at one time. They were great business men of their time. They were in the business of dry goods merchants, some were deputies, city councilmen, county collector, and a constable.
They were a large part of this community and served with dignity and stature. They were among those who had the fence built and large gate erected for the cemetery. They needed a resting place for their loved ones. It’s been a part of the community even long after the families have left this area. Those names who were a part of this history is Wald, Younkers, Michaels, Lesems, Genzbergers, Frank, Dreyfus, and Zuzaks. This cemetery is cared for by the County of Pike. It’s a real reminder of Pike’s vast history every time you go by it.
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- Cared for by: The County of Pike
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- Get directions (Kentucky St., Louisiana, MO 63353)
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no photos
Claimed to have the oldest stones in Pike County.
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This cemetery has been moved.
Learn more about this cemetery:
- Get Directions (Kentucky St., Louisiana, MO 63353)
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Calumet Township
This cemetery has an unknown location or has been destroyed.
This cemetery has an unknown location or has been destroyed.
This cemetery has an unknown location or has been destroyed.
Cuivre Township
Unknown Graves on 8th St. in Bowling Green 4 graves. 1baby and 3 adults
This cemetery has either never been located or has been destroyed.
This cemetery has either never been located or has been destroyed.
This cemetery has either never been located or has been destroyed.
This cemetery has either never been located or has been destroyed.
Indian Township
Out of respect for their beliefs we did not photo the Amish Cemetery. There are only names on each tombstone about the size of a normal footstone.
This cemetery has either never been located or has been destroyed.
This cemetery has either never been located or has been destroyed.
This cemetery has either never been located or has been destroyed.
New Hartford Township
This cemetery is one that was either never located or was destroyed.
This cemetery is one that was either never located or was destroyed.
This cemetery is one that was either never located or was destroyed.
This cemetery is one that was either never located or was destroyed.
This cemetery is one that was either never located or was destroyed.
This cemetery is one that was either never located or was destroyed.
This cemetery is one that was either never located or was destroyed.
This cemetery is one that was either never located or was destroyed.
According to PIke County History this cemetery was laid out in 1835, upon ground owned by Wesley Trower. It embraced an area of three acres and was the largest in the township at that time, and was the first public burying ground established in Hartford township. The first body to be buried there was that of Francis Jones.
Then, eighteen years later, it was decided to establish a place of worship. On the 30th day of July, 1853, under the auspices of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, and by the Rev. George Rice, this congregation was organized with but seven members, namely: Darius McDonald, Elizabeth McDonald, E.A. Coffman, Winifred A. Coffman, Adam Trainer, Cyrus McDonald, and Cornelia A. Trower.
Darius McDonald and Adam F. Trainer were chosen as ruling elders, the former having been previously ordained. He served the church faithfully for eight years, or until death claimed him Mr. Trainer served six years, and then for some reason ceased to act in that capacity. In less than a week the number of members increased to nineteen. The following tweve joined during the first five days: Wesley B. Trower, Margaret Trower, Catherine Butler, Rachel McDonald, William Dunn, Sarah King, Robert King, and Richard L. Wright.
According to the Pike History The church building for the Smyrna congregation was erected in 1853 or 1854, and repaired in 1876 at a cost of $500.00. As but two sessions have any recorded minutes within the last six months, it is impossible to give exact date on minute particulars.
According to the deed which reads in summary. Three acres of land was purchased by Adam F. Trainer, Henry Trower, and Darius McDonald, elders of the Smyrna congregation. This land was purchaed from Wesley B. Trower, and Elizabeth, his wife for a sum of $5.00 for the purpose of erecting a house of worship and a burying ground. Said house to be built for the use and benefit of Smyrna congregation but to be free for all other denominations, when not occupied by Cumberland Presbyterians.
Other elders were soon chosen, and work got under way and ths frame structure was built for a house of worship. In 1865 Henry Trainer was chosen as elder, but never entered upon the duties of elder. William Dunn was ordained in 1858 and continued in office until 1875. Robert M. Vannoy, who was ordained in 1858, remained in office until 1877. George Wagner was ordained in 1865. Cyrus McDanold on July 15, 1872, and Z.B. Blackmore February 3, 1877. Besides serving as elders, these men were very active members of the church. George Wagner was the grandfather of Helen, John, Stemple, Glenn W., and Theresa Wagner of the New Hartford community. The latter is now Mrs. LeRoy Alderson. George W. Lafferty, Thomas J. Grace, W. H. Pritchett, Thomas Kelch, Jonathan Mabry,Wilson L Sullivan, Abraham McKelvey, William J. Cunningham, William M.VanArsdel, Andrew Jackson Trower, James J. Trower, Sam G. Pollard, Henry Trower, and George W. Trower.
George W Trower was the only that was killed during Civil War. He was killed in a battle at Ashley and was laid to rest in this cemetery. He was the son of Wesley B. Trower, from whom this land was acquired. According to teh inscription on his gravestone, he was killed on August 28, 1862, and an annual service is held on that date. The services begin with decorating of the war veterans graves with flowers and flags, and with a brief service at a different grave each year. A band would play for this march to the cemetery and some woild be attired in soldiers uniforms and carry the Stars and Stripes. At the noon hour a basket dinner is served on the lawn, and relatives and pioneer members of the church enjoy visiting, after which a buisness meeting is conducted and a program of talks, music, and memorial service is presented.
Since the disbanding of the church all buisness affairs for the church and cemetery are taken care of at this annual meeting. Each year one week before decoration services, former members of the church, relatives and friends who have loved ones buried here, meet and enjoy a fish fry and clean the cemetery and church.
In the 1928, the board of trustees of the Hannibal Presbytery was authorized to grant, bargain and sell, convey and confirm to William Edwards, William VanArsdel, and Frank Wagner, trustees of the Smyrna Cemetery Association and to the successors, the real estate described in the two deeds, which makes up 5 acres. In 1934, the outside of the building was painted, and in 1948-49 it was roofed and repainted. On August 28, 1849, the annual decoration services came on a Sunday. It was decided to change the date to the fourth Sunday.
Many funerals have been held here during the span of years which this church has stood. This cemetery has been selected as the final resting place for many departed loved ones. It is today that we are here in memory of those who have gone on before and for a centennial celebration of this House of God.
Those Veterans buried in Smyrna: A. F. Butler June 11, 1843–June 11, 1912; William J Cunningham Sept. 21, 1838–May 11, 1920; Thomas J. Grace Feb.6, 1827–May 16, 1893 (Co.D. 49 M.V.I E.C. Kimball Post, No 453 G.A.R. Dept. of Mo. ); Levi James Mar.7, 1842–May 26, 1924; Thomas P Kelch Aug.7, 1844–Aug. 13, 1909; George W. Lafferty Dec.6, 1841–Mar. 23, 1917; Jonathan Mabry Aug. 23 1835–June 19, 1909; John W. Mahaffey May 21, 1827–Sept. 8, 1907; Abraham McKelvey June 26, 1844–Oct. 28, 1865; Cornelius S. McWhirt Sgt. Co. I 103 Ill. Infantry; Andreas Olnahausen Nov.24, 1832–Mar.29, 1903 born in germany; Samuel Pollard Mar.6, 1818–Feb 18, 1870; William H. Pritchett Dec.5, 1840–May 21, 1892; W.L. Sullivan Aug.15, 1828–Oct. 30, 1896; George W. Trower Nov 5, 1837–Aug. 28, 1862 killed in battle at Ashley; Henry A Trower 1825–1902; James D. Trower Sept. 3, 1832–May 25, 1907; A.J. VanArsdel Aug. 9, 1844–May 23 1912; William M. VanArsdel May 26, 1842–Jan 15, 1912; George Wagner 1827–1896; Elias Worrell ; Levi Long May 9, 1799–May 29, 1875; C.M. DcDonald Mar. 10, 1838–July 9, 18?.
There was once a small church located here and it was torn down around 2007.
This cemetery is one that was either never located or was destroyed.
Peno Township
This cemetery has either not been located or has been destroyed.
This cemetery has either not been located or has been destroyed.
This cemetery has either not been located or has been destroyed.
This cemetery has either not been located or has been destroyed.
This cemetery has either not been located or has been destroyed.
This cemetery has either not been located or has been destroyed.
This cemetery has either not been located or has been destroyed.
This cemetery has either not been located or has been destroyed.
This cemetery has recently been located.
This cemetery has either not been located or has been destroyed.
This cemetery has either not been located or has been destroyed.
Prairieville Township
This cemetery has either never been located or has been destroyed.
Salt River Township
This cemetery has either never been located or has been destroyed.
This cemetery has either never been located or has been destroyed.
This cemetery has either never been located or has been destroyed.
This cemetery has either never been located or has been destroyed.
Spencer Township
This cemetery has either never been located or has been destroyed.